Thursday, June 24, 2010

෴ Time illusion෴

Here I am trying to explain how you have created time. Please go back to your childhood to see the truth. When you were in your childhood, you did not have past, present and future. The child does not know anything about yesterday and tomorrow.

When you were in your childhood, you saw the image of something. The reality is that you never did see the objects, because you saw the object through your eye lens. Once child saw the images of objects again and again, he would question about what he had seen. What our elders did, they pointed out the objects and would say; that was a “chair” repeatedly to the child. The child memorizes the word of “chair”. It may take sometimes. Consequently child has memories of “chair’ and he has created “present”. But still child has no past and future.

In the following days, Mum or Dad asked son, “what was this” by pointing out the chair. Now let’s see what would happen to child, he would try to get the name of “chair” out of his memory files/bank. He has to go past to get name “chair” and this is the initial step of making out the “past” but not future yet.

Let us think, child may need some chocolate. Child asks chocolate from Dad, but Dad has no chocolate to give him. Dad says that, son I will give you chocolate tomorrow. Unfortunately, child has no meaning of future and therefore child needs chocolate now itself, but not tomorrow. He starts to cry. Finally, child gets sleep after long time of crying. The following day dad bring a chocolate for his son. After that, time to time child asks chocolate again and child gets the same response from his dad “son, I will bring chocolate tomorrow”. In this time, child does not cry because he has hope of having chocolate following day. The “hopes” leads to build up his “future”. Now child has the past, present and future and also the death.

The time is only a mind based wrong concept. It is illusion. That is why Buddha says; “Akaliko Bhagavatho Dhammo”. You cannot see any ‘action’ in the universe, once you see ‘the Buddha’s word “Akaliko Bhagavatho Dhammo”. Once you seen the time as it is, you will be beyond the time and death.

Dr.Tissa Senanayake

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